Post 5: Education in times of Strikes.

In this post I will write about some milestones of education in Chile in the neoliberal Latin American oasis. I chose this country because it is a reality in which I am inserted and because it is an unequal, precarious and discriminatory educational system. ´La revolución pinguina´ named after the historic and massive student marches in 2011 and from there until today, they have brought small milestones that have superficially transformed Chilean education in recent times. As of 2016, the gratuity implemented in the government of Michelle Bachelet begins to rule, this has a great impact since public education is opened and allows students to have the right to study without getting into debt. 

Also, years later, the ´Ley de inclusión escolar´ was enacted, which encourages the non-selection of students in municipal schools. There really have not been many historical milestones in recent education because education is still a business and it is not a safe space for the promotion of knowledge or creation. 

Another change has been the change of name of the university selection test from PSU to PTU, but which still follows the standardized and competitive selection logic. Let´s hope that once and for all there will be a structural change in education, since the elite still want to keep the population ignorant. 


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